Frequently Asked Questions

Hi, below are is a list of commonly asked questions and their answers, if you would prefer to ask your question directly, please call us or use our online chat facility. 

Thanks Sue




If I’m in a Health Fund how do I make a claim?

If you are in a health fund with optical cover and would like to check the rebate that you will receive simply go to the contact lens listing and you'll find the health fund code featured for each box which you can quote to your fund, they will also require the provider number.

 Greg Smith is our optometrist, provider number 028451RB. Bupa have a different provider number ; O066838.  Please note that this code starts with a alphabetical, capitalised O, followed by a numerical zero 0. HCF have our provider registered as 028451RB and also a specific HCF provider number A272162.

Once you have purchased your contact lenses and they have been dispatched, we will email your receipt that features all the information that your health fund requires for you to lodge your claim via their online portal or over the counter.

If you encounter any issues with claiming your health fund rebate or do not receive your receipt please let us know.


What happens if I wear my lenses for longer than the intended time?

From the first wear, calcium and protein deposits start to build up on the contact lens surface reducing the transmission of oxygen to the cornea. The cornea needs a good supply of oxygen to remain healthy. When the cornea suffers extended oxygen deprivation, blood vessels from surrounding tissues start to grow into the cornea. This eventually interferes with your vision and the health of the eyes. Also oxygen deprivation causes the surface layer of the cornea to become less sensitive and swell. This makes the cornea more prone to bacterial infection. It is easy to prevent these problems. Simply replace your contact lenses as recommended by your Optometrist and give your eyes “oxygen breaks” by putting on your glasses for a few hours.

Why do I need to see my Optometrist regularly?

As a contact lens wearer it is recommended that your eyes are checked every year. Even if you feel your vision is fine with your current contact lenses each year it is important to make sure wearing your contact lenses are not compromising your eye health. Contact lenses that are no longer suitable, or are worn inappropriately, can make subtle changes to the health of the front of your eyes. If these changes go undetected it can severely reduce your future ability to wear contact lenses comfortably. Many Optometrists will bulk bill the consultation to Medicare.

What should I do if my eyes are blurry, sore, red, dry, watery, or have a discharge when I wear my Contact Lenses or after I take them out?

You should see your optometrist as any of these symptoms need proper investigation to protect your eye health and maximise your comfortable wear of your lenses.

My prescription is over 24 month old can you supply me with contact lenses?

Unfortunately your prescription is no longer valid and we cannot supply you. If you wish to continue to wear contact lenses you will need to see your Optometrist for a new prescription. Often this consultation is free if you have a Medicare Card. When booking an appointment with your Optometrist let them know that you require a contact lens prescription, as often your spectacle prescription can be slightly different.

I wear my contact lenses for an extended period,why is it so important that I visit my Optometrist every year?

It is very important if you wear contact lenses overnight and for extended periods to maintain yearly check ups. These check ups provide protection that your wearing schedule is suitable and isn’t compromising your eye health.

I would like to use a different type of lenses from the ones that my Optometrist recommended.

There are many contact lenses available, all fit slightly differently and have different features therefore it is advisable that you see your Optometrist if you would like to change. Your Optometrist will be able to advise you of which contact lens would best suit you and provide you with trial lenses so the fit, your comfort and vision can be accessed.

Can I wear my contact lenses in the sea ?

Daily contact lenses are best for this. In salt water the contact lens can become dehydrated and therefore begin to feel “tight”. If this happens simply add some rewetting drops suitable for contact lens wear, such as Refresh or Blinks this will help to extend your wear time.

Can children wear contact lenses ?

In the past many people have been told that children could not wear contact lenses until their eyes had "finished growing". This is no longer true with the introduction of disposable soft contact lenses they can be worn at any age. School children can wear contact lenses provided that they show a responsible attitude towards hygiene and looking after their lenses. Children who are always damaging their spectacles or who don't like to wear spectacles are good candidates for contact lenses.

I wear progressive lenses in my spectacles can I wear contact lenses ?

People who wear these lens types need a corrective prescription for both reading and distance. There are a number of contact lens options to consider ; 1. Progressive contact lens designs are available. 2. Simply wear your distance prescription in contact lenses and then put a reading pair of spectacles over the top of your distance contact lenses when you need to see close up. 3. Mono vision, is a popular choice this system involves one eye wearing your distance vision contact lens and the other eye wearing your near vision contact lens. This may sound odd but it works very well. If these contact lens options appeal the first step is to speak to your Optometrist who can advise you on what is most likely to work the best for you.

What is the provider number ?

Every registered Optometrist has a provider number. Health Funds like to know this information so they can ensure you are receiving products from a legitimate source. is registered with all Australian Private Health Insurance companies, our Optometrist is Greg Smith, provider Number 028451RB which can be used for all health funds with the exception of Bupa and HCF.

Bupa have a different provider number for Greg, it's O066838, this number starts with an alphabetical, Capitalized O followed by a numerical Zero 0.

HCF provider number for Greg is A272162

These provider numbers are detailed on all our customer receipts that need to be submitted to the health fund to claim a rebate,  the member needs to have extra's that include optical cover.

Why am I suddenly experiencing lens deposits after wearing my lenses for a short time when I’ve never had this problem previously ?

The answer maybe be very simple in that it may be related to hand creams or cosmetics and this can be easily rectified by simple removal, cleaning of the lenses and frequent replacement. If the problem persists we recommend you see your optometrist as changes in the eye or allergic reactions need to be professionally monitored. Untreated conditions can lead to an intolerance to contact lens wear.

My contact lenses keep falling out.

Your eye shape and size is unique to you and so when you see your optometrist for a contact lens fitting, measurements are taken so the correct size, type and brand of lens is prescribed to ensure your ultimate fit and comfort. These sizes include the BC - Base Curve which is used to describe the curvature of your lens and DIA Diametre which is the distance across the surface of the lens. If you're lenses keep falling out, or if you feel like you have a foreign object in your eye, your vision is blurry, you have an ill-fitting lens. If this is the case please check the size that you have ordered is correct and if it is, the next step is to see your optometrist for sizing to be corrected.

How do I manage allergies and contact lens wear ?

To keep your eyes feeling comfortable when your body is reacting to the allergens be prepared with over the counter treatments including eye drops. Always remove your contact lenses prior to using this type of eye drop and then wait 20 minutes prior to reinserting. Wear daily disposable lenses so you can replace them every day as many allergens can stick to the surface of the lens and continue to irritate your eyes if you are using a two weekly or monthly lens. Clinical trials have shown that lenses made from Etafilcon A such as Johnson and Johnson's 1 Day Acuvue Moist and 1 Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism can provide relief for contact lens wearers with allergies. Other tips include ; do not rub your eyes, wash your hands regularly, wash your bed linen in hot water and detergent, don't share contact lenses or eye make up applicators.

How do I manage dry eye syndrome and contact lens wear ?

Dry eye syndrome is a very common condition which affects contact lens wearers and non wearers alike, with no age barriers. Sufferers often complain of itching, irritated sore red eyes, a feeling of grittiness, tired eyes, occasional blurry vision, sting and burning sensations or a feeling of a foreign object in the eye. There are two main reasons why the eyes become dry ; tear ducts are not producing sufficient lubricating tears or the glands in the eyelids have become blocked and the free flow of natural oils has become greatly reduced. Causes including ; aging, climate conditions, some health conditions such as arthritis, some medications, extensive computer use and smoking. It is important to alleviate this problem not only for your comfort but for the health of your eyes, as untreated scratching can occur on the front of the eye. Using eye drops or artificial tears can provide relief. If you wear contact lenses please ensure that you use one that is suitable for use with contact lenses. Drops can be inserted simply when you feel you need them during the day. There is no need to remove your contact lenses prior to insertion. At night prior to going to bed, insert some lubricating drops you can close your eyes and effectively bathe them in moisture while you sleep. Warm compresses over the eyes for 10 minutes can help unblock the oil glands in the eyelids allowing the free flow of natural oils. Drink plenty of water and limit the caffeine If you are working in an air conditioned environment place a glass of water at your work station to help boost the humidity. As a contact lens wearer it is advisable to see your Eye Care Professional so they can evaluate the problem and change your contact lenses to something that will be more suitable. It is highly unlikely these days that they would suggest discontinuing use, some contact lenses such as the Dailies Total1 is actually being used as a dry eye treatment, the moisture content is so high. There are many options available to you.

Can I wear my contact lenses in a chlorine pool ?

If swimming in a chlorine pool, without goggles please remove your lenses when you come out. The chlorine molecule is small enough to permeate into the lens material and irritate your eyes if left in.

What do I need to be aware of when purchasing my contact lenses with online retailers ?

Not all online retailers are based in Australia even if the websites state they are Australian or feature an Australian flag. Therefore contact lenses may be shipped from overseas and the shipping methods, storage and quality controls cannot be guaranteed. These goods are not regulated by the TGA ( Therapeutic Goods Administration) and so could be brand copies, too strong or weak, contain undisclosed materials, are passed their use by date, and may not be manufactured to appropriate standards. is located on the Sunshine Coast Qld, all our contact lenses are dispatched directly from Australian suppliers, Johnson and Johnson, Alcon, Cooper Vision, Bausch and Lomb and COLOURVUE who supply all Optometry retailers in Australia, so you can be assured you are getting the exact same lenses that you would order from your Optometrist.

What are the Payment Options and are they Safe and Secure ?

Credit Card Transactions uses the eWAY payment gateway for its online credit card transactions.  eWay provides a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the internet.  All online credit card transactions performed on this site use the eWay gateway are secured payments.

  1. Payments are fully automated and advise you straight away if your payment has been successful or not.
  2. Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by staff or any outside party.
  3. All transactions are performed under 128 Bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer)    technology.
  4. No credit card details are kept and stored on


Paypal Transactions

Paypal offers a highly secure way of purchasing over the internet and protects the buyer if goods are not received.

PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to the PayPal site, the server checks that you're using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher.

Once your information reaches the PayPal site, it resides on a server that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. PayPal servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the internet, so your private information is available only to authorized computers.



What is privacy policy ?

Privacy Policy


In order to use our website it is necessary for you to provide personal information such as your name, delivery address, contact details as well as information in regard to your contact lens purchase. 


This information is username and password protected, it is collected, stored and encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL), a service that we pay for, to provide a high level of security. regards this personal information as an important part of our relationship with you. uses your information to ;


  • Process your purchases from our website
  • Contact you in regard to your order, product reminders and marketing information      
  • Provide historical records of past order details and receipts
  • Communicate with your health fund if required 

We do not share any of your details with unknown or unrelated third parties. 


The related third parties that provide essential services to our business, such as contact lens suppliers and courier services are given information that is relevant to the services or products being provided.  However they are prohibited from using your information for any other purpose other than in support of services and the provision of products for 


The accuracy of your personal information provided by you is your responsibility, does not take responsibility for products provided or delivered incorrectly due to incorrect information given. 


If at any time you wish your account to be "deactivated" or "removed you can request this any time by contact us via email “ Deactivation” means that your account is turned off but your historical records are kept. “ Removal” means that all data information is deleted.



Are the payment Options Safe and Secure ?



Credit Card Transactions uses the eWAY payment gateway for its online credit card transactions.  eWay provides a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the internet.  All online credit card transactions performed on this site use the eWay gateway are secured payments.  

  1. Payments are fully automated and advise you straight away if your payment has been successful or not.
  2. Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by staff or any outside party.
  3. All transactions are performed under 128 Bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer)    technology.
  4. No credit card details are kept and stored on



POLi Transactions


POLi is an online payment option which facilitates an internet banking payment from your bank account to the bank account held by 


POLi is a great alternative for people without credit cards or those who would prefer not to use them to shop online.  

  1. When using POLi it will take you to your login page for your chosen bank.
  2. POLi does not capture and store your username and password to your internet banking.
  3. No one can access or see your internet banking login credentials POLi fulfils the payment details within your internet banking for the purchase and you verify and process.
  4. Once the payment is successful POLi sends a reciept to the purchaser and the merchant so both parties know straight away that the payment has been processed and is successful.



Paypal Transactions


Paypal offers a highly secure way of purchasing over the internet and protects the buyer if goods are not received.


PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to the PayPal site, the server checks that you're using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher.

Once your information reaches the PayPal site, it resides on a server that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. PayPal servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the internet, so your private information is available only to authorized computers.


What is refund and returns policy ?

Refunds and Returns 


When purchasing contact lenses from our website it is recommended that you have a current contact lens prescription that is not older than two years and you only purchase contact lenses that you have a prescription for or that you have previously worn successfully.

We do not recommend or warranty lenses that are purchased to "try", this is not only an expensive exercise but can cause discomfort and risk your eye health, 


If your contact lens prescription changes while you still have stocks of lenses we will only accept returns and an exchange within a 3 month period of the order, no refunds are given.  Boxes need to be returned in full, ie 90 pack ordered cannot be returned as 2 x 30 packs.  


When you first receive your contact lenses please check PRIOR TO OPENING THE BOX that the type of contact lenses and the prescription is correct. If an error has occurred the contact lenses can be exchanged if the box is unopened. 

If the error occurred due to the customers incorrect entry of contact lens details the boxes need to be returned at the customer's expense and replacement lenses will be sent at the customers expense.  If this error occurred due to our processing we will arrange collection and post replacement lenses as quickly as possible. 


Returning lenses - Responsibility of the lenses arriving back to us in a resaleble condition is the customers, please package for protection, we will not be responsible for lost or damaged returned parcels and advise that the customer returns the parcel insured and tractable.


If a contact lens is split or the visual performance or comfort is not as it usually is, please do not throw the lens away.  Contact us and we will arrange a replacement lens for you, this may require you to return the faulty lens so we can report the faulty batch to the manufacturer.

Why do contact lenses have an expiry date ?

The reason why contact lenses have expiry dates is the seals on the air tight vials deteriorate over time and so the sterile solution that the lenses are stored in can become compromised.  When you purchase contact lenses from us, they come directly from the manufacturers warehouses, this ensures the lenses are "fresh" so it's not unusual for the expiry dates to be a few years in the future. . Using your contact lenses prior to expiry ensures that your lenses are free from contamination and are safe to wear.

Why is it important that I hold a copy of my contact lens prescription ?

When you see your optometrist for an up date of your contact lens prescription, always ask for a copy for your records. The reason being, if you travel in Australia or overseas and you need to replenish your supply while you're away, you'll often be asked for it. Make sure it features the name of the contact lens that have been prescribed, the base curve, the diameter and the powers for your left and right eye.

What can I expect from surgically corrected vision ?

Lasik is a procedure that corrects the natural curve of your cornea to refocus your vision correctly.  Lasik should ideally be considered in your early to late 20’s when your optical prescription has been stable for approximately 2 years.  You can expect Lasik to eliminate the need for spectacles for number of year, how many varies as natural eye changes can occur.

However, by the time you reach early to mid 40’s your optical prescription will start to change again, and you’ll find you will start to need reading spectacles.

The good news is vision without spectacles is still an option when your optical prescription stablises again in your 50’s, only this time a Clear Lens Extraction (CLE) , also referred to as Refractive Lens Exchange is a more likely surgical procedure. 

CLE replaces your natural lens with either a multifocal lens or lenses for mono vision (one eye reading and one eye distance).  It is a good idea to trial these vision options with the use of contact lenses before your natural lens is replaced by surgery.

The reason why CLE is often used, is it future proofs your surgically corrected vision by removing the potential for cataracts to develop later in life.

My Health Fund isn't recognising 863 / 864 codes for my multifocal contacts

With the increasing popularity of multifocal contacts, two new health fund codes were introduced in April 2016 for this growing contact lens catagory. 


The new codes are 863 and 864.  863 is for 3 months or less supply of multifocal contacts for one eye and 864 is for 3 months or less supply for a pair.  We use the code 863 for each box, so if you purchase 3 monthy supply for both eyes your reciept will show 863 x 2 rather than 864 x 1.


Most health funds have these new codes in their system, with the exception of BUPA.  We have reported this to the team at Bupa and they have assured us that the new multifocal contacts codes will be updated soon. 


In the meantime if you have any issues claiming your multifocal contacts with Bupa we ask that you contact us so we can alter your reciept to reflect the old codes we used to use for Bifocal contact lenses 861 and 862.


Can contact lenses get stuck behind the eye ?

Physically contact lenses cannot travel behind the eye and get stuck as the eyelids, both top and bottom fold back on themselves creating a dead end with no access to the back of the eye.  Contact lenses can however can get stuck on the eye if the eyes are dry, inserting a few eye drops are often the answer to help loosen the lens.  For those with allergies or an eye irritation, involuntary rubbing of the eye with a contact lens in it can cause the lens to fold up or even break up into pieces which can get caught under the eyelids or at the dead end where the eyelids fold back on themselves.   If you are unable to fish the lens out you will need to see your optometrist who can use a slit lamp to examine the eye and ensure the whole lens is removed.  

I have received an email confirming that my contact lenses have arrived but I have looked around the house and can't find them anywhere what do I do ?

Some couriers are quite creative with where they leave parcels in order for them to be safe either from the weather or theft.  Take a good look around your property and ask other members of your household and if you can check with your neighbours, often we find someone else has picked up the parcel and forgotten to give it to you. 

If you are unsuccessful please contact us via email or call us on 1300 750 970, couriers often take photos of where they have left the parcel and also we are able to check the GPS to ensure your parcel has been delivered at the correct address.  

What happens if my contact lenses are out of stock ?

When you place an order of lenses that are out of stock we will notify you and let you know of the delay and the time period. 

Most times we can provide some free lenses for you to help top up your supplies during this delay period.  We send these free lenses to you via normal tracked post for $5.50 or if you need them urgently the Express Post Bag is $12.95, you can select the service you require, if needed.  We do not send free lenses via normal post without tracking as they often become lost and we are restricted in the number of free lenses we can send. 

Also if there is another pack size available in your lenses ready for immediate dispatch we will let you know and can change your order if you require this.

How Does Paypal Buy Now Pay Later Option work ?

Now you can purchase contact lenses using Paypals new Pay in 4. Simply checkout with Paypal and choose to pay the tradition 1 payment or choose to pay in 4 payments for orders over $30. The payments are split into 4 even payments, the first payment is at the time of purchase, the remaining 3 payments are deducted 1 at a time at 2 weekly intervals. Receive your lenses straight away, there's no sign up, no late fees and no interest you just need to have a Paypal account.

What Is The Main Cause of Short Sightedness In Young Adults Today ?

Published in Mivision Feb 2024 a recent study conducted by Senior Researcher Dr Samantha Sze-Yee Lee from the University of WA investigated the lead cause for an increase of short-sightedness in young adults. 


Dr Lee found that short sightedness worsened faster in young adults who spent 6 hours and more per day focused on computer screens in comparison to those who had low computer usage, in addition to this, Dr Lee found that mobile phone screens did not have any affect.


Dr Lee went on to explain that when we look at a small mobile phone screens our peripheral vision registers the background as blurry and therefore faraway and doesn't try to bring it into focus.


Whereas focusing on a large computer screen the peripheral vision is involved and the brain sees that as more short distance work is required to achieve focus and so triggers the eyes to become more short sighted to do this.


Dr Lee also added that less sun exposure and genetic disposition were other risk factors to short sightedness.

If you find that you spend hours at the computer screen, it's recommended that you take a break every 20 minutes and find something over 20 metres away and focus on it for 20 seconds or more so the muscles in your eyes adjust to focusing in the distance.

What is Monovision in Contact Lenses ?

This is an option for contact lens wearers who need both near and distance vision correction.

The dominant eye wears a contact lens for distance vision whereas the non dominant eye wears a lens for near vision.

Sounds strange but the eyes and brain learn how to cope and  50-60% of people are successful

 monovision contact wearers.  


If you have been wearing contact lenses for distance vision correction and are approaching your early to mid 40’s you may start noticing you need some help for close up work.

This is a normal, it’s called Presbyopia and monovision is one of the contact lens options that can help.  

The advantages of monovision is you can continue to wear the same contact lenses you are used to, including lenses for astigmatism. 

The prescription powers are changed so one eye is set for distance and the other eye for near vision.

If you have loved wearing coloured lenses and don’t need an astigmatic correction, monovision gives you the option to continue wearing coloured lenses.

Monovision is a popular option for many however when trialling them ensure they suit your lifestyle requirements as tasks where good binocularity is needed may become more difficult and reduce your speed, loss of intermediate vision maybe an issue for desk / computer work and night driving can also be a problem. 


Another option if you are pondering how to handle this presbyopic change is multifocal contact lenses where all distances are in the one lens, the wearing success rate for this style of lenses is over 75%. 

They are available in daily disposables and monthly wear lenses, there is also an option for astigmatic multifocal lenses too.  Multifocal contact lenses provide the intermediate visual zone that monovision lacks.  Often multifocal lenses take a bit of tweaking by your optometrist to get your vision where you’re happy with it, this is normal so don’t be put off if you need a few visits to get it right.   


Lastly, you can continue to wear the contact lenses for distance that you have always worn and just wear “reader cheaters” over the top when you need to do close up tasks.  If may find you need a few pairs with different powers for different tasks and then a pair for the office, at the work bench, by the bedside, in the car etc…. not so convenient, but a solution nevertheless !


The trick is to have a chat with your optometrist to discuss the best option for you and try them out before you buy. 

What is the different between Air Optix Aqua vs HydraGlyde

The key difference between Air Optix Aqua and Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde is the upgraded wetting agent in the HydraGlyde lenses, which retains moisture longer than the original Air Optix Aqua. This enhancement allows wearers to enjoy longer days of comfortable lens wear before experiencing dryness.

While Air Optix Aqua lenses are still available, we anticipate they will eventually be phased out in favor of Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde.

To make the transition easy, we've kept the pricing the same for both versions. Customers can quickly upgrade to the newer lenses at checkout by selecting them from the product drop-down box; the shopping cart will update automatically.

If you order the original Air Optix Aqua lenses and there is a delay in fulfillment, we will automatically switch your order to Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde to ensure prompt delivery.

Can Menopause Affect My Eyes

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years, it causes a decline in estrogen levels that have effects on a women's body and daily life.

Menopause can also decrease tear production leading to the eyes feeling dry and scratchy or overly sensitive to light.  Dry eyes can also become more watery and teary as the body tries to over compensate for the eye dryness. 

If wearing contact lenses they may start to feel less comfortable during menopause due to the changes in tear production.

While many women turn to HRT to help manage menopausal symptoms, this treatment can make dry eye conditions worse.

Taking proactive steps, like using eye drops and consulting your optometrist about eye and contact lens comfort, can help manage these changes and ensure your vision remains clear and comfortable throughout menopause.

Why Has My Order Been Delivered to a Post Office ?

If you have provided a residential address for the delivery of your contact lenses, the courier will leave your parcel at the address if they can gain access to the property and there is a safe place for it to be left that is not at risk of theft or weather damage. 

For unit deliveries, the parcel will be left in the letter box if large enough, or in a safe place that has been detailed by the customer at the time of ordering. 

In both instances the courier has the authority to decide to leave the parcel or take it to the post office or TNT agent such as a new agency.

Bausch & Lomb orders CANNOT BE LEFT, this is a directive of Bausch & Lomb, they require their contact lens parcels to be signed for, regardless of customer delivery instructions.  If no one is at home it will be delivered to the post office.

As many of us have experienced courier deliveries can sometimes be problematic and for this reason we support this service by tracking all orders from dispatch to delivery.  When your order arrives we will confirm this via email, if the order has been taken to the post office or TNT agency we will text you this information so you have it on hand when collecting. 

Can I Have My Contact Lens Order Delivered To My Workplace ?

The simple answer is yes, when detailing your workplace address it's very important to include the name of the business and the floor number / unit / lot number or department, if relevant.  

The person that the parcel is addressed to must be an employee of the business otherwise delivery maybe refused.

Please be aware of your workplaces delivery system for parcels.  For instance some business have delivery instructions in place where parcels are sent to the Post Office, collected by the business and then distributed to employees.  Once the parcel arrives at the post office we can no longer track it.

Some large office blocks have a mail room where deliveries are made and then mail is distributed internally.  We are not able to track your parcel once mail room staff have accepted delivery.

In both instances we will advise you that your parcel has been delivered.

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